
White Label
Crypto Exchange

Introducing our proprietary, ready-to-launch white label crypto exchange, designed to meet your needs. Offering both crypto spot and derivatives, our platform is engineered to provide a world-class trading experience for your users.

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Grupo 2139

Highlights of Shift's
White Label Exchange

Unified platform offering both crypto spot and derivatives.

Fully developed and operational, ready for trading from the first day of launch.

Full backoffice control grants total command over users and all trading activities.

Pre-configured crypto custody & liquidity facilitate fast transactions & high-volume trading.

The Building Blocks of Our Exchange Package

Our proprietary exchange technology has been rigorously tried and tested by over 100 clients. Each component optimizes performance, security, and user engagement, setting you up for success in the dynamic crypto trading arena.

  • Matching 120
  • Two Coins
  • Grupo 1931
  • Matching 120
  • Two Coins
  • Grupo 1931

Liquidity Providers


Why Choose Shift Markets?

At Shift Markets, we provide our clients with not only the advanced technology they need but also the trading support and regulatory guidance necessary to set them up for profitability and success.

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  • Group-26
  • stablecoin card
  • shiftmarkets card
  • Group-26
  • stablecoin card