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Marketplace Infrastructure for Digital Assets

Shift Markets’ proprietary crypto-as-a-service technology allows anyone to commercialize digital assets, without the headaches. Deliver a world class trading experience with our white label crypto exchange software.

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Exchange Software

Generate More Revenue With Our White Label Software

  • Launch an Exchange Faster
  • Crypto Liquidity
  • Comprehensive Technology

Products and Services

Embrace the future of digital assets with our Crypto-as-a-Service model.  Shift provides a diverse range of technology solutions that can support a variety of digital asset businesses. Our customizable infrastructure enables you to meet evolving customer demands in new marketplaces, offering choice and innovation.

  • White Label Crypto Exchange
  • Crypto Derivatives Platform
  • Forex Crypto Integration

Integrations Hub

Shift Markets connects with industry leaders and partners to offer our middleware integration. Connecting our clients to the digital ecosystem, the integrations hub will help you connect with KYC/KYT, wallet services, liquidity providers, market makers, and more.

REG 130

Wallet & Custodial Services

Chart 130

Liquidity & Market Making

Group 5

KYC/KYT Providers

Stars 130

And More!

  • REG 130

    Wallet & Custodial Services

  • Chart 130

    Liquidity & Market Making

  • Group 5

    KYC/KYT Providers

  • Stars 130

    And More!

Latest News & Updates

How FX Brokers Can Triple Their Profits With Crypto

Are you an FX broker looking to generate more profit for your business? Discover a wealth of knowledge in our free eBook – How FX Brokers Can Triple Their Profits With Crypto.



Introducing Shift Markets' Derivatives Trading Platform

Shift Markets is excited to announce its new white label Crypto Derivatives Platform, offering leveraged trading tools and full customization for exchanges and brokerages.


White Label Crypto Derivatives

Shift Markets Announces Partnership with Cryptio

Shift Markets and Cryptio have joined forces to streamline the path for crypto businesses toward regulatory reporting compliance.






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